Monday, November 19, 2012

The Hunger Games Movie

On August 24th, 2012, we went to see The Hunger Games movie at 9 p.m. on ArtStreet, Studio B. I enjoyed going to a fun event with my floor, as it was the very beginning of the year and everyone was still nervous and overall not really sure what to do with themselves. This movie impressed me because unlike so many other movies made from books, it was actually fairly accurate and very well done. I did not have high hopes for it because so many times I read such great books and end up disappointed by the movie. However, this movie captured the overall feel of the novel without being too grotesque. One aspect the film executed particularly well was the very beginning when it showed scenes from District 12. The short, close-up shots of images such as an empty bucket of water, an desolate dirt road, miserable looks from starving children, were very effective. I definitely pictured District 12 that way while I was reading the book, so it was a cool experience to see it portrayed the same way in the movie. It made the viewers pity the people who lived in the village, which caused them to be more angered later on when the Hunger Games is in full swing and the Gamemakers are being so inhumanly cruel. I would definitely recommend it to a friend, although I always tell people to read the books first. I believe we should allow our own imaginations to paint the picture of what we are reading before seeing the filmmakers’ view of it. The other audience members reacted more so than I expected. They were extremely responsive to the movie, especially the action scenes, the subtle humor of Katniss and the drunken mentor, Haymitch, and the scenes with Katniss and Peeta. One element that surprised me about the movie was the lack of emphasis on Katniss and Peeta’s relationship. However, I saw this as rather refreshing; usually, Hollywood tries to exaggerate relationships in movies and makes them a main focus when they were simply a side note in the book. Overall, this was a positive experience, and made me want to see more movies on ArtStreet. This movie in particular left a positive impression on me, as it was clear that the makers spent a long while properly capturing the emotions of each moment. It was filmed well, acted well, and extremely enjoyable to watch.

This is a link for the movie trailer The Hunger Games:

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